Akwaaba Global
Define Success in Your Life
Akwaaba Global is your ultimate resource for all your travel and destination needs. Our dedicated team of experts is here to provide top-notch assistance with your study visa, tourist visa, and work visa applications for any destination you desire. Let us simplify the process and help you embark on your dream adventure with ease.
our Services
Study Visa
We specializes in student visa. We take each applicant through systemized application process for school and visas.
Tourist Visa
If all you want to do is travel the world and explore different cultures, Akwaaba Global can simply help you to get what you need.
Work Visa
For those who have secured a job offer and want an effective service to get your work visa. Akwaaba Global is your gauranteed source.
Our Philosophy
Together We Will
The ethos of Akwaaba Global is rooted in the understanding that travel is more than just movement; it’s an exchange of cultures, knowledge, and perspectives. It’s a bridge that connects the familiar with the unknown, turning distant lands into homes away from home. This philosophy drives the organization to forge ahead, constantly expanding its horizons to include a wider array of destinations, each with its own set of wonders and opportunities.
Akwaaba Global is your ultimate resource for all your travel and destination needs.
(+233) 541573888
GC 353 Nii Kpakpa Street
Mallam-Gbawe, Accra