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About Akwaaba global

Let’s Reach Your Goals Together

Akwaaba Global is your ultimate resource for all your travel and destination needs. Our dedicated team of experts is here to provide top-notch assistance with your study visa, tourist visa, and work visa applications for any destination you desire.

Akwaaba Global stands as a beacon for travelers worldwide, offering a comprehensive suite of services tailored to meet the intricate needs of modern exploration and mobility. With a dedicated team of seasoned experts, Akwaaba Global excels in navigating the complexities of visa applications, ensuring a seamless process whether for study, tourism, or work. The organization’s commitment to excellence is reflected in its meticulous attention to detail, providing personalized assistance that caters to the unique aspirations of each client. By entrusting your journey to Akwaaba Global, you’re not just engaging with a service provider; you’re partnering with a gateway to global experiences, a facilitator of dreams that transcend borders and a curator of adventures that promise to enrich your life’s tapestry with vibrant memories.  The organization’s prowess is not just in the successful procurement of visas but in the creation of journeys that begin with a dream and culminate in stories worth telling for generations. So, embark on your dream adventure with Akwaaba Global, where every journey is a step towards a broader, more inclusive world.

Our Philosophy

Harnessing Your Potential

The ethos of Akwaaba Global is rooted in the understanding that travel is more than just movement; it’s an exchange of cultures, knowledge, and perspectives. It’s a bridge that connects the familiar with the unknown, turning distant lands into homes away from home. This philosophy drives the organization to forge ahead, constantly expanding its horizons to include a wider array of destinations, each with its own set of wonders and opportunities. Whether it’s the serene landscapes of the Nordic countries, the bustling metropolises of Asia, or the historic charm of European cities, Akwaaba Global ensures that your path to these experiences is as fulfilling as the destinations themselves. In a world where travel has become both a necessity and a luxury, Akwaaba Global emerges as a trusted ally, simplifying the intricacies of global travel, one visa at a time.

"I was in need of assistance for my study visa to Canada. Akwaaba Global was a great help and with them I am currently studing in Canada"


"They help with my mother-in-law's visitor's visa application. I am very grateful"


Akwaaba Global is your ultimate resource for all your travel and destination needs.

(+233) 541573888

GC 353 Nii Kpakpa Street
Mallam-Gbawe, Accra

Copyright © 2024 Akwaaba Global